Town of Riverview Seniors Roundtable By-laws
Mission Statement:
The Town of Riverview Seniors Roundtable was established February 2006 following adoption of council motion to support a proposal submitted by community advocates for seniors. To engage seniors in the actions and investments of Council and the Mayor with respect to policies, programs and services to support the quality of life for seniors in the Town of Riverview.
Work with other levels of government, non- profit organizations and the community to facilitate and enhance co-ordination and integration of services for seniors
Moved from 2.1
The COMMITTEE role is to bring forward protaective solutions in the areas of public safety, and issues affecting seniors. (2019)
1.1 In these By-laws:
(a) COMMITTEE means the Town of Riverview Seniors Roundtable Committee
(b) YEAR means the operating year of the COMMITTEE. The YEAR shall be from January 1 to December 31.
(c) MEMBER means a person appointed by their Organization as a
(d) EXECUTIVE refers to the collective group of members which includes the following positions; Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary, Treasurer.
(e) Town Liaison the mayor appoints a Town Councilor to act as liaison between the Town Council and the COMMITTEE. (2019)
2.1 The Roundtable shall be open to persons appointed by an organization within Riverview. Organizations may appoint an alternate who shall have voice but no vote unless replacing their appointed representative.
3.1 The appointment of officers shall be by vote (where required) or by acclamation. They shall assume office following the election. Election shall be held each year.
3.2 The Chair shall be the chair of all the official meetings and ensure that the meetings are conducted in an orderly and productive manner. The Chair shall remain neutral except in the event of a voting tie where he/she will cast the deciding vote.
3.3 The Vice Chair shall chair all meetings where the Chair is unable to attend. The Vice Chair shall perform duties as of the Chair.
3.4 The Secretary shall attend and suitably record in permanent form, all meetings of the COMMITTEE, The Secretary shall keep such records as may be necessary to record the business of the COMMITTEE.
3.5 The Treasurer shall keep records of any monies held by the COMMITTEE. A review committee of two (2) shall be selected from the committee of the Roundtable to review the books of the Roundtable annually. No members with signing authority shall serve on the review committee (2019)
3.6 The executive committee when necessary will meet to conduct business of the roundtable in between meetings and make recommendations to the committee as a whole.(2015)
3.7 No expense by a Committee Member wil be reimbursed unless previously approved by the committee. (2019)
3.8 The Seniors Roundtable shall operate a bank account with the Chair, Vice Chair and Treasurer as signing officers. The Liaison Councillor shall also be a signing officer.
Two (2) signatures shall be required on all cheques. (2024)
4.1 Election of the Executive Committee shall be held by March 31 of each year. One-month advance notice shall be provided prior to the election call. (2019)
5.1 The COMMITTEE shall hold regular monthly meetings, with the exceptions of July and August. (2019)
If a special issue of interest was to emerge, a meeting could be called by the chair in sonsultation with the Liaison Councillor to conduct the business of the Roundtable. (2019)
In the event of school closure due to incllement weather on the regularly scheduled meeting day, the meeting will be postphoned to the following week. (2015)
6.1 Roberts Rule of Order shall prevail should no consensus be reached by committee members.
7.1 The order of business shall be as follows:
8.1 The by-laws of the COMMITTEE may be suspended or amended at any meeting of the COMMITTEE by an affirmative vote of three- quarters of the MEMBERS present, provided the proposed amendment shall have been submitted in writing to each MEMBER 14 days prior to the meeting.
8.2 Fifty 50% plus one of the members present shall constitute a quorum for the purpose of conducting a meeting of the Roundtable. (2015)
Adopted October 30, 2019
Mission Statement:
The Town of Riverview Seniors Roundtable was established February 2006 following adoption of council motion to support a proposal submitted by community advocates for seniors. To engage seniors in the actions and investments of Council and the Mayor with respect to policies, programs and services to support the quality of life for seniors in the Town of Riverview.
Work with other levels of government, non- profit organizations and the community to facilitate and enhance co-ordination and integration of services for seniors
Moved from 2.1
The COMMITTEE role is to bring forward protaective solutions in the areas of public safety, and issues affecting seniors. (2019)
1.1 In these By-laws:
(a) COMMITTEE means the Town of Riverview Seniors Roundtable Committee
(b) YEAR means the operating year of the COMMITTEE. The YEAR shall be from January 1 to December 31.
(c) MEMBER means a person appointed by their Organization as a
(d) EXECUTIVE refers to the collective group of members which includes the following positions; Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary, Treasurer.
(e) Town Liaison the mayor appoints a Town Councilor to act as liaison between the Town Council and the COMMITTEE. (2019)
2.1 The Roundtable shall be open to persons appointed by an organization within Riverview. Organizations may appoint an alternate who shall have voice but no vote unless replacing their appointed representative.
3.1 The appointment of officers shall be by vote (where required) or by acclamation. They shall assume office following the election. Election shall be held each year.
3.2 The Chair shall be the chair of all the official meetings and ensure that the meetings are conducted in an orderly and productive manner. The Chair shall remain neutral except in the event of a voting tie where he/she will cast the deciding vote.
3.3 The Vice Chair shall chair all meetings where the Chair is unable to attend. The Vice Chair shall perform duties as of the Chair.
3.4 The Secretary shall attend and suitably record in permanent form, all meetings of the COMMITTEE, The Secretary shall keep such records as may be necessary to record the business of the COMMITTEE.
3.5 The Treasurer shall keep records of any monies held by the COMMITTEE. A review committee of two (2) shall be selected from the committee of the Roundtable to review the books of the Roundtable annually. No members with signing authority shall serve on the review committee (2019)
3.6 The executive committee when necessary will meet to conduct business of the roundtable in between meetings and make recommendations to the committee as a whole.(2015)
3.7 No expense by a Committee Member wil be reimbursed unless previously approved by the committee. (2019)
3.8 The Seniors Roundtable shall operate a bank account with the Chair, Vice Chair and Treasurer as signing officers. The Liaison Councillor shall also be a signing officer.
Two (2) signatures shall be required on all cheques. (2024)
4.1 Election of the Executive Committee shall be held by March 31 of each year. One-month advance notice shall be provided prior to the election call. (2019)
5.1 The COMMITTEE shall hold regular monthly meetings, with the exceptions of July and August. (2019)
If a special issue of interest was to emerge, a meeting could be called by the chair in sonsultation with the Liaison Councillor to conduct the business of the Roundtable. (2019)
In the event of school closure due to incllement weather on the regularly scheduled meeting day, the meeting will be postphoned to the following week. (2015)
6.1 Roberts Rule of Order shall prevail should no consensus be reached by committee members.
7.1 The order of business shall be as follows:
- Reading/Adoption of agenda and minutes from previous meeting as circulated,
- Business arising from the minutes,
- Report from any member of the committee,
- New Business,
- Adjournment
8.1 The by-laws of the COMMITTEE may be suspended or amended at any meeting of the COMMITTEE by an affirmative vote of three- quarters of the MEMBERS present, provided the proposed amendment shall have been submitted in writing to each MEMBER 14 days prior to the meeting.
8.2 Fifty 50% plus one of the members present shall constitute a quorum for the purpose of conducting a meeting of the Roundtable. (2015)
Adopted October 30, 2019